فارسی عربي

99 films under production in Iran: Report

A total of 99 feature films are currently under production in Iran, a statistics organization reports.

A total of 99 feature films are currently under production in Iran, a statistics organization reports.

According to statistics provided by the Farabi Cinema Foundation in the Iranian capital, Tehran, five of the 99 films currently under construction are in their final preparations for screening.

The five films soon-to-be-released to the public are ‘Oxidan’ directed by Hamed Mohammadi, ‘White Bridge’ by Ali Qavitan, ‘I’m Not Crazy’ by Ali Reza Amini, ‘Jourabshou and Pinocchio’ by Ali Reza Mahmoudzadeh, and ‘Skier’ directed by Fereydoun Najafi.

Meanwhile, six films are undergoing the dubbing process. They include ‘Tochal’ directed by Mohamamd Ahangarani, ‘Wind Rider’ by Hojjatollah Seyfi, ‘Wild Roses’ by Rahbar Qanbari, ‘The Last Fiction’ by Ashkan Rahgozar, ‘Intoxicated Daffodil’ by Seyed Jalaloddin Dorri, and ‘Astigmatic’ directed by Seyed Mohammad Reza Mostafavi.

There are 18 films going through the editing process, while 11 are in the shooting process. Fifty-nine films remain in the pre-production phase.

Among the 99 feature films, 26 are by first-time directors.

The genres of the upcoming films are on various subjects, including comedy, action, social and family dramas, as well as for children and young adults. Themes include war, resistance, beliefs and history.

The Farabi Cinema Foundation was founded in 1983 and remains the biggest in the Iranian film industry. It is the leading company in the field of production, international distribution and promotion of Iranian films.

